In the last post, we explored what it means to be created in the image of God. In this post, let’s explore how we should respond to that great privilege and responsibility.
Our Own Image (Genesis 1:26-31) (pt. 1)
Reasonable Faith in the God of Creation We’ve been going through Genesis, looking at the account as it is given to us. From the beginning, the Bible calls on us to trust the truthfulness of God. Trust in God that results in action, this is the essence of true faith.
God Will Provide (Genesis 1:3-25) (pt. 2)
After a bit of a hiatus, let’s pick back up in Genesis. Order/Structure of Creation Having discussed the nature of “days,” what did God do with them? Moses tells us that the “earth,” the cosmos, was without form and void. Then he tells us that God gave it form on the first three days and […]
How Should We Then Live? (9)
Modern Philosophy and Modern Theology Thesis: Modern people have put various things “upstairs” in the area of nonreason in a desperate attempt to find some optimism about meaning and values.
How Should We Then Live? (8)
The Breakdown in Philosophy and Science Theme: if there are no absolutes, then the particulars, the individual things, have no meaning. What is meant by universal? What is meant by particular? Examples? Clear place we see this is in morals: “Who are you to be judge over us?”
Five Solas of the Reformation (0)
Why study the Reformation Solas? A while back, the Sylvania College and Career group did a six week study on the Five Solas of the Reformation. In six weeks, the study was not, of course, exhaustive. Semesters have been taught on overviews of each one, and I’m not so arrogant to think we can discuss […]
How Should We Then Live? (7)
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Alas, so much to be done, so little time. Here is the next set of notes and quotes from our study through Frances Schaeffer’s How Should We Then Live? What gave rise to modern science? The rise of modern science did not conflict with what the Bible […]
How Should We Then Live? (6)
Here are my notes from our continuing discussion on How Should We Then Live? by Francis Schaeffer where he makes the ultimate point that the Enlightenment was an attempt at a Reformation without the biblical worldview. What resulted was about what you would expect. From what stream did the Enlightenment develop, the Reformation or the […]
How Should We Then Live? (5) (Reformation, pt. 2)
Here are my notes from a previous discussion from our Friday night series on How Should We Then Live? Chapter 5 continues the discussion on the Reformation, but focuses on the the impact of the Reformation on the relationship between government and its citizens. People looking back 500 years later get bent out of shape that […]
Freedom of Man
Previously, I posted on the definition of freedom and took the position that freedom is the ability to act without any external controls. We looked at God’s self-revelation that the essence of “God-ness” is the expression of freedom in His underived, noncontingent, independent choice to “have mercy on whom [He] will have mercy.” (Ex. 33:18-20) Are we free? Is there […]