As providence would have it, my daily Bible reading brought me to Ecclesiastes 2:12-17 on the first day of the new year. Being a little on the melancholy side by nature, I take Ecclesiastes with a bit of trepidation.
Our Own Image (Genesis 1:26-31) pt. 2
In the last post, we explored what it means to be created in the image of God. In this post, let’s explore how we should respond to that great privilege and responsibility.
Our Own Image (Genesis 1:26-31) (pt. 1)
Reasonable Faith in the God of Creation We’ve been going through Genesis, looking at the account as it is given to us. From the beginning, the Bible calls on us to trust the truthfulness of God. Trust in God that results in action, this is the essence of true faith.
Theodicy (1)
Does our free will trump God’s free will? Because I’m a geek, I often do random Google search terms and see what comes up. A while back, I entered in “Rick Warren Mormon” and found this transcript of a Larry King interview with Rick Warren. There was some back-and-forth about Mormonism, but I found this exchange […]
A quick thought at the end of a journey…
I’ve been going through the book of Exodus with the young adult group at Sylvania Church. We finished the book Sunday, June 7th. We record those if you are interested in hearing our discussions. Even though I didn’t address this specific point in class, I found the way the book ends very interesting. Moses seems […]
Freedom of Man
Previously, I posted on the definition of freedom and took the position that freedom is the ability to act without any external controls. We looked at God’s self-revelation that the essence of “God-ness” is the expression of freedom in His underived, noncontingent, independent choice to “have mercy on whom [He] will have mercy.” (Ex. 33:18-20) Are we free? Is there […]
Freedom of God
Our culture is defined by a desire for freedom. Yet, even our bedrock freedoms become avenues for slavery. Freedom of speech, becomes freedom from hate speech. Freedom of religion, becomes freedom from religion. Freedom of the press, becomes, well, something quite different than what was originally intended. And, then there are new “freedoms…” New rights…Some […]
In the Beginning, God (Genesis 1:1-5)
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1) Genesis opens with the declaration that God simply is, and has been from the beginning. What an amazing way to start. There is no, “out of the primordial stew, the gods kind of formed and then realized they needed slaves to feed them.” […]
Beginning at the Beginning (Genesis)
Media pundits and politicians talk about “people of faith” as if these people are some strange anomaly in the world. A mutant form of thinking that must be handled with care or it will explode and keep the rest of the normal people from progressing along the inevitable evolutionary trajectory. However, every person on the planet […]